Gardening Saturday 2017

Get the Latest Dirt on Gardening
April 8, 2017
8 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Alerus Center
1200 42nd Street South, Grand Forks, ND

Featuring: Joe Bergeson

Come and enjoy a full day of gardening fun! Great presentations, a full line of vendors, extensive silent auction items for you to bid on, The Plant Doctor and a free perennial to get you started for the season.

Joe Bergeson will be sure to inspire you and put a fire into your growing season with his expertise on annuals and perennials. It’s always a joy to hear from our own zone expert.

Session One
Keynote Speaker: Joe Bergeson- Growing Beautiful Annuals

Session Two
___ Growing Amaryllis- Bonnie Durrenberger
___ Wildlife Management in Your Yard/Garden- Dr. Jason Boulanger
___ Invasive Plants in Your Landscape- Dr. Esther McGinnis
___ Myra Arboretum- Dr. Joe Zeleznik
___ Dwarf and Upright Woody Ornamentals- Dr. Todd West
___ Insect Control in Your Yard and Garden- Brandon Buckalew
___ Grapes and Berries for Your Yard- Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti
___ Improving Your Garden Soil- Dr. Jay Goos
___ Grilling with Garden Vegetables and Fruit- Dr. Julie Garden-Robinson

Session Three
Keynote Speaker: Joe Bergeson- Growing Perennials in the North

Session Four
___ Gardens for All: Planning Your Garden- Holly Mawby
___ Succulents- Johannes Olwage
___ Composting Yard and Kitchen Waste- Mick Mansfield
___ Fermenting Vegetables for Better Health- Steve Dahlberg
___ Evergreens: Dwarf and Beyond- Dr. Todd West
___ Growing Root Vegetables Successfully- Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti
___ Improving Your Garden Soil- Dr. Jay Goos
___ Preserving Your Garden Produce- Dr. Julie Garden-Robinson
___ Spotted Winged Drosophilia- Caitlin Kruger

Session Five
___ Growing Hostas- Bonnie Durrenberger
___ Wildlife Management in Your Yard/Garden- Dr. Jason Boulanger
___ Peek a Boo Plants- Holly Mawby
___ Succulents- Johannes Olwage
___ Square Foot Vegetable Gardens- Mick Mansfield
___ Insect Control in Your Yard and Garden- Brandon Buckalew
___ Fermenting Vegetables for Better Health- Steve Dahlberg
___ Adventures in Shade Gardening- Dr. Esther McGinnis
___ Springtime Pruning Basics- Dr. Joe Zeleznik

Here is the link for the Gardening Saturday web page:

$40 Registration due: March 27, 2017
After deadline the cost is $50

Online Registration
Click on Online Registration and it will take you to the Greater Grand Forks Visitors Bureau. Look for our event and enter the username and password below.

Event: Gardening Saturday 2017
Username: gardening
Password: 2017


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